Flower Gardening

Magnificent Hydrangeas: A Splash of Color in Any Garden

By Sarah Marcheschi

Hydrangea petiolaris

Last, but certainly not least, the climbing hydrangea! Hydrangea petiolaris is a robust deciduous climbing plant. It has masses of white flowers that bloom against a backdrop of heart-shaped leaves in midsummer. This plant is native to Japan and Korea and vines are hardy to zone 4. However, it will tolerate the entire spectrum of growing conditions from full sun to full shade.

Though it’s a slow starter, once established H. petiolaris can reach heights of up to fifty feet at maturity. Lateral branches can extend three feet, making for a dramatic appearance. Additionally, they provide an attractive privacy screen or covering for a fence, wall, or trellis. Dried flower heads and bark offer visual interest in winter. If pruning is required, it should be done after blooming has ended and before buds for the next summer are set, since plants do bloom on old wood.

Choosing and planting your hydrangea

When choosing a hydrangea to plant at home, it’s best to consider which of the many different varieties will perform best in your particular growing conditions. Select a spot in your yard with cool, moist, but well-drained soil, and amend with organic matter if necessary.

Once planted, water deeply 2-3 times per week, or use a soaker hose to maintain the proper moisture balance. Hydrangeas are sensitive to over- as well as under-watering. They can exhibit symptoms like wilting leaves in each case. It’s important to establish consistent and healthy watering practices early on. Hydrangeas don’t like to get their feet wet. Avoid planting in sunken areas of the garden to prevent roots from drowning.

Whether you have an expansive backyard or just a trellis to climb, hydrangeas are an appealing addition to the garden. They provide desirable height and shape, are dazzling when flowering. The profuse bloomers will reward you with cuttings throughout the summer and into fall. Well, as long as you remember to keep an eye out for brunettes on bicycles.

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