Dakota Suomela

Meet Dakota Suomela

Dakota Suomela

Dakota was born and raised in Northern Indiana where she started gardening as a child, helping her parents and grandparents in the yard and garden beds. Gardening has always been associated with family for Dakota, so it is no wonder that she tries to keep that with her after leaving home with potted indoor and outdoor plants!

Her grandmother’s 1-acre yard and knack for perking dead-looking clearance shelf plants back up exposed her to a variety of perennials and annuals. Vacationing at her Aunt’s in Virginia, Dakota would follow her mom and aunt as they walked their flower, vegetable, and herb gardens – smelling and even tasting everything grown. At home, Dakota spent the weekends with her mom weeding the garden beds and caring for their perennials and shrubs all summer long. The family even removed a section of grass to create a vegetable garden that fed the family for a few summers!

Dakota is a graduate of Indiana University Bloomington where she studied Marketing and Management. Check out her Plant Parent Instagram @dakotascorner to keep up with her plant family.

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