Marianne's Response

Acanthus ‘Whitewater’ (Bear’s Breech) and slugs

I planted my Acanthus two years ago, north side of my condo. I have lived here for 25 years and rarely see a slug. Rare in this area, right? However the slugs just love my Acanthus. I tried using Sluggo all last year, Spring through Fall. I am about ready to give up on it. I know slugs climb pots so when I considered moving it to one I wasn’t sure if that would help. Any suggestions? Thank you

Posted by Lisa Polson on March 15, 2021

Marianne's Response

My sympathies! Slugs seem to come from miles around to feast on Acanthus. I do have a tip that worked for me. Put your Acanthus in a pot then use a copper band to wrap around the rim and the base of the container. Slugs cannot cross the copper and your Acanthus will be safe. I found copper with a sticky backing to use on pots at a home center store but you can also find it online. Here is hoping you get to enjoy beautiful Acanthus foliage this summer. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti