Marianne's Response

beljo6907’s Question

what steps do I take to plant rose seeds I bought some by mail but there were no directions on how to plant them?

Posted by Belva Johnston on September 21, 2016

Marianne's Response

Rose seeds are tricky to start. Start with small peat pots and potting soil that has some added peatmoss to keep it moist. Sprinkle a few seeds on top of the soil and cover with plastic. Bottom heat will help the seeds to sprout sooner. Once you see green sprouts, remove the plastic but keep the soil moist. Remove the extra seedlings when you see two true set of leaves on the young plants so that there is just one seedling per pot. Keep your rose seedling in a greenhouse or bright window with good air circulation, moist soil and bright light. Use a slow release plant food like Osmocote. You may need fluorescent or a Gro-light during the winter if you do not have a heated greenhouse. Move the seedling to a larger pot in the spring, protect it for another year indoors or in a greenhouse and transplant outside after the seedling has turned into a sturdy, well rooted plant. Good Luck, growing roses from seeds is a challenge to any green thumb. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti