Marianne's Response

Roses blown over by wind

Yesterday’s winds took down my Cecile Brunner to the ground. It was mainly growing over a shed roof and supported at the base by a trellis. My question is how much of the rose can I prune back in order to get it at least upright? She’s a very top heavy girl!

Posted by cnicandri on August 30, 2015

Marianne's Response

Oh dear - poor Cecile took a beating but she will redirect her new growth at whatever spot you make the cut. Try cutting one third of the canes four feet from the ground, one third 8 feet and leave one third alone. This is because any pruning will stimulate new growth and a hard frost or freezing winter could destroy the rose plant because you have been forced to hard prune in the autumn. If you must cut the whole thing back to a few feet from the ground please cover the roots with a mulch of wood ships two to four inches deep. This will protect the roots should a big freeze arrive this winter. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti