Marianne's Response
Dirt bag mix
We have a pine tree that needs to have new dirt placed on top of it, so we can plant hosta plants and other shade loving plants under it. Do we need to mix the new dirt with the existing dirt. The property is located in South Jordan. We want to put 3 to 6 inches of new dirt on the ground.
Posted by Chyrrel Cook on May 10, 2022
Marianne's Response
No, it is not mandatory as hosta are unusual perennials with thick fleshy roots that can compete with tree roots. Now that I have said that I must add that it would be better if you mixed the new soil into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil already around the tree. Then water the first summer when the soil is dry so the hosta roots can spread out and become established. You can shade loving groundcovers such as vinca minor and ajuga to fill in around the hosta. Add a mulch of wood chips or bark to seal in moisture as well. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti