Marianne's Response

Elephant Ears plants

What is the best way to store elephant ears for winter?

Posted by Melody Daulton on September 3, 2022

Marianne's Response

This tender bulb must be protected from freezing so if you live in a cold climate take these steps: Wait for first light frost to turn leaves yellow, then cut off foliage and stems. Dig up bulb. Clean it a bit and remove any bugs or worms. Next let it dry for about a week indoors in a dark spot by sitting in a shoe box  open to the air. Once dry store the bulb in a cold but not freezing spot until spring. A garage should be fine if it does not get below freezing. In spring, a few weeks before the last frost date, repot the bulb indoors so it can sense the warmer air. Move outside once all danger of frost has passed. These gorgeous foliage plants can be expensive to buy so it is worth it to take the time to store the bulbs. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti