Marianne's Response

Failing Wisteria

Hi! I have a gorgeous wisteria on my front porch that is usually vigorous, sending out many winding tendrils around my porch and onto the roof. I usually prune those back several times in the summer, plus I do a pretty serious pruning in late winter. This has been working well for 18 years, but this year something is wrong. It bloomed like usual in May but hasn’t been sending out shoots (except for a few from the roots) and several spots have dead branches. It seems to be failing, yikes! There’s a bit of scale but doesn’t seem bad. What could be wrong?

Posted by Diane Rudeen on August 31, 2020

Marianne's Response

There are many possible causes for your distressed wisteria including  drought, virus or bacterial infections but I agree this much damage is most likely not from the scale infestation. Look at the root area for holes of entry because often when just part of mature plant dies back it can be caused by moles or voles. You may also want to check with a local nursery or Master Gardener clinic about diseases in your area.  I am not sure where you live but sometimes local weather conditions encourage soil and root pathogens that could cause this die back. Meanwhile avoid fertilizing this struggling plant. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti