Marianne's Response
Fig tree pruning
I’m not even an amateur gardener. A customer gave me a couple brown Turkey Fig trees (2yrs old). I’ve tried reading/YouTube as much care as I could. From photos could you let me know what/where/when to prune these?
Posted by Joseph Ruddy on May 25, 2020
Marianne's Response
Pruning fig trees is determined by where you live and how protected is the area where you grow the tree. Figs can take a very severe pruning and in mild winter climates they are often cut back to two or three foot stumps in early spring to encourage new shoots for the growing season. In warmer climates they are grown as large trees with light pruning to shape the plants. This means you would leave the main trunk alone but shorten up the longest branches by cutting them to at least half their length. The Brown Turkey fig is a hardier variety so it should survive the winter in most areas of the US. Perhaps if you let me know your climate zone I could of better help. Meanwhile, grow your fig in the hottest part of your garden with full sun and be prepared to stake the tree while it is young. Use a slow release plant food like Osmocote once a year in the spring. Young trees may not bear fruit for a couple of years so be patient. The plant can be removed from the pot and transplanted into the ground any time of year except when the ground is frozen. Your plant looks green and healthy so I will expect to hear about your fig harvest soon. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti