Marianne's Response

Garden Gear

I attended a container gardening class Ms. Binetti gave at the Kenmore Utility District in 2017 when I was living in Kenmore. I knew of Ms. Binetti from her gardening columns in either the Seattle Times or maybe the Seattle P.I. My question isn’t plant related but at that seminar, there was a brochure on garden gear, esp. gardening coveralls for women. Silly as it seems, I’d like to buy some fun gardening themed coveralls (designed for women), if you can recommend a source. Glad to be here and glad to be a new member. Thank you. Pamela

Posted by Pamela Clerico on May 27, 2023

Marianne's Response

Hi Pamela, asking about great garden gear for women is not silly at all. I have worn the "Garden Girl" line of boots, weeding pants and gloves and also Dubarry water proof leather work boots. I also like overalls with water proof knees made by several companies includingi Duluth and Dickies.  You can see I am not committed to any one brand but just try different types of outdoor clothing until they wear out. Hope this helps you get outside and get dirty, Keep growing, Marianne Binetti