Marianne's Response

How to compost?


I hope this finds you well. I recently bought a lot of “Garden mix” (compost) from a landscaping company near me. Apparently they also sell fire wood. It appears they take the pine they can’t sell as firewood and chip it up and use it as their “compost” the soil has absolutely no nitrogen in it. Can it be saved? More importantly…. Can it be saved this year? Thanks in advance for your help. Regards Frank

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Posted by Frank Trisko on June 21, 2022

Marianne's Response

Yes, pine bark is organic which means it will break down eventually but it needs more green material to help it decay. The best additive would be grass clippings to help add nitrogen and break down the carbon. The grass clippings will also heat up the compost to kill pathogens. You can use it this year if all you want is a weed block on top of soil. Otherwise add the grass clippings this summer and your compost should be ready next spring. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti