Marianne's Response

How to help ant infestation?

I have an ant infestation in only one of my potted strawberry plants. I have pulled the plant up got rid of the infested soil , rinsed out the roots very well so all the ants would be out of the roots . Re potted the plant in fresh soil and put the pot in a whole new spot. Now just a few days later it’s infested all over again just that one plant . Should I redo this process or should I get rid of the plant due to the ant infestation?

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Posted by Jackie Burts on June 18, 2022

Marianne's Response

I would get rid of the plant. The ants are most likely attracted to something sweet on or near the pot but after all the work you did I would say you deserve a break! Although ants are not plant killers they can sneak into your home from nearby potted plants and become a nuisance.  My guess is a melted sweet treat dripped onto the container and so scrub the pot before reusing it. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti