Marianne's Response

How to prune a young summer Heather?

I planted PS Patrick heather this spring – they were looking great until a couple of days ago – I either overwatered them or the heat has them looking droopy & the flowers are fading & looking bloomed out – should I prune them back? I was hoping for them to bloom all summer! Thank you for your wise council!

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Posted by Lisa Winiecki on June 28, 2022

Marianne's Response

Yes, it sounds like your heather could use a shearing. Cut heather with hedge trimmers removing all the faded blooms which usually means taking about the top third off the plant. Rather like giving them a crew cut. Poke your finger in a feel the soil. Do not water until the top inch of soil is dry. Heather can handle full sun but if they are newly planted it may take a year before they have enough roots to handle intense heat. One tip is to bring out an umbrella to shade newly planted shrubs if a heat dome arrives for a few days. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti