How to prune hydrangeas?
My hydrangea is on its third summer right now. First year I didn’t cut it at all because it was small and I didn’t get many blooms the first year. Second year (last year) I cut it back (don’t remember how much?) and now the blooms are huge and the stems flop and touch the ground. The sprinkler does hit the blooms which is unfortunate.what is the best way to prune hydrangeas? Or maybe I shouldn’t? I see other hydrangeas around town that are super upright with the white-to-pink blooms. Don’t know what variety they are!
PS the photo shows them already staked. I thought of asking you after I did it 🙂
Thank you so much for your advice on how to prune hydrangeas!!
Cindy Bartel
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Posted by Cindy Bartel on August 16, 2022
The best way to have short stems and upright blooms is to prune in late winter or very early spring by cutting the branches back so that there is just two buds on each branch. Remove any weak or small branches by cutting them at their source. The less branches you have the bigger the flowers. You can harvest the blooms now by cutting them back with long stems of short stems keeping in mind that you will still need to prune the shrub in late winter in order to avoid the floppy shrub look. A soaker hose is a better way to water to avoid wet petals which tend to weigh down the plant. You can also try to train your hydrangeas to thrive on rainfall alone. This will create a smaller more compact shrub. Do not overfertilize or you will get long and lanky branches. I use two tablespoons of Osmocote Plus around each plant in the spring once I see signs of new growth. Your blooms are gorgeous and a gift to the neighborhood. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti