Marianne's Response


I have grown many types of Hydrangeas for years. I prune based on the type of hydrangea. This year I am stumped. I pruned hard a too tall mop head hydrangea late last Fall KNOWING I would not get flowers this year but the plant would be lower. Alas, all my new growth are limbs 4′ to 6′ high again! They are healthy. I want flowers next year but I do not want the whole plant this high again. If you were me would you perhaps selectively cut back some of the taller branches and leave others to bloom next year? This plant stayed a nice height for at least 4 years, always bloomed and now…..crazy. I know longer have a place for a plant this high and it has such beautiful dark almost black leaves in the Spring which are beautiful. Any suggestions besides moving it or getting rid of it? Moving might not be an option. Thanks

Posted by Nancy Davenport on September 9, 2021

Marianne's Response

I do understand the pain when a favorite shrub outgrows its space but the truth is plants never stop growing and with many shrubs, pruning only encourages faster growth as you have seen. Your idea to selectively prune only the tallest branches is a good one. You can also shorten up other branches by one third now in late summer as this will encourage more branching and more outward growth rather than upward. I think you will have bountiful blooms next summer - but a plant that still wants to grow 6 feet tall. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti