Marianne's Response
Hydrangea Tree!
Hi! Not a question today, just a testament to your advise about Hydrangea Trees. I wasn’t confident about cutting it back so hard last year, but it came with the new house, and was very sad… Worried all winter that I had probably killed it. But, to my surprise, it not only survived but thrived!
Thanks as always for your advice. Keep writing, Cathy
Posted by Cathy McLeod on October 21, 2021
Marianne's Response
Wow! Great photos and what a nice person you are to let us all know that the hard winter pruning of your Pee Gee hydrangea worked well. My own Pee Gee hydrangea tree also had huge blooms and even though I teach pruning back by at least one third in the winter or early spring, I also worry after a severe pruning if the hydrangea will survive. Summer always assures me when those huge glorious blooms appear. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti