Marianne's Response

Osmocote on roses

I bought today Osmocote Plus (15/9/12). Is the Osmocote Plus appropriate to use on my rose garden? If so how much per plant. I have about 25 roses.

Posted by jeffroses on March 15, 2016

Marianne's Response

Yes, you can use Osmocote plus on your rose plants and they will love it. You do always need to read and follow the label instructions on any product for best results. The label will suggest the correct abound of Osmocote depending on the size of the rose plants. If the container has a shaker top your can sprinkle the Osmocote all around the root zone of the rose plants and mix it into the top inch of the soil. The Osmocote will release the nutrients slowly to the roses all summer long. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti