Marianne's Response


Please give me approximate dates when to start the following seeds (under lights) for zone 5. Thank you.

Phacelia tanacetifola
Verbena lilacina
Heliophila cornonopifolia
Cynara baeticas ssp maroccana
Collinsia tinctoria
Corydalis sempervirens

Thank you


Posted by on January 21, 2009

Marianne's Response

Here is my rule of green thumb - figure out when the last frost in your area would be which in your case is around May 5, and count back six weeks. That means you should start your seeds near the end of March. If you plant too early you will have tall and lanky seedlings. If you have a greenhouse you may be able to start seeds sooner as they will not suffer from lack of light. Indoors use a grow light or bright window. Congrats on growing these plants from seeds - still a great bargain and amazing miracle to watch. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti