Marianne's Response

Magnolia seedling

Planted sweet bay magnolia seedling 2 months ago or so. Leaves sprouted, looks good, but stem turning brown from top and spreading down. I uploaded photo. I couldn’t take it anymore and cut off brown tip in case it was a disease of some kind, but I fear I’ll lose my baby tree… we have had several days above 100° lately, but it does not receive direct sunlight. Zone 9

Posted by Lynn Gehlbach on June 23, 2021

Marianne's Response

You did the right thing! Clipping off the dead, brown tip of a woody seedling will encourage growth and perhaps prevent the spread of a disease. I do not think your seedling is diseased however. My guess is the tip that is brown just did not sprout new growth so nature will seal off the unproductive tip to divert energy to the nodes below that are sprouting. Your young plant looks fine. Keep soil moist and air flow good during the warm spells. Do not get foliage wet to help prevent diseases. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti