Marianne's Response


I have a Mandeville that I’ve had for 2 years. I live in S. Carolina by the coast. The vines are still growing, plenty of flowers and buds. During the height of summer it was in the sun most of the day. Now it gets the morning sun to late morning. A lot of the leaves are turning yellow. I don’t remember it doing that last year. Am I over or under watering? Or is there another reason?

Posted by Karen Brophy on September 16, 2021

Marianne's Response

Yellow leaves could be a sign of too much water, or of root disturbance from a rodent, or from an insect or disease problem. Perhaps if you sent a photo I could make a better guess. I suggest you poke your finger into the soil and see if it is wet. Poor drainage may be keeping the roots too damp. This is the end of summer however and your vine might just be responding to the shorter days and starting to go dormant. The fact that it bloomed and grew this summer means it must like the location so I do not think lack of sun is the problem. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti