Marianne's Response

Marionberries not producing fruit, pruning a Dragon Baby Hardy Hydrangea

Marionberries produced quite a few berries last year. They look green and healthy this year but haven’t blossomed at all.
Also I bought a new Dragon Baby Hydrangea that is supposed to be a bush. It has the cream flowers that turn pink in the fall. When should I prune off the dead flowers?
Thank you.

Posted by Joyce James on August 31, 2023

Marianne's Response

Is your Marion berry in full sun? It could have been in full sun at the nursery when you bought it last year then this summer too much shade to make fruit. Another idea is the soil is too acid. This berry needs the soil pH to be above 5.5 so add some lime if you have acid soil - Tip: If blueberries do well and your hydrangeas turn deep blue, you have acid soil.) Keep in mind this is a large and spreading berry. It should have the new canes trained to horizontal wire supports and the old growth that is finished bearing fruit can be pruned back in the fall. As for your hydrangea 'Dragon Baby'  this is  a Hydrangea paniculata or Pee Gee Hydrangea and it should be pruned back by one third in early spring to encourage new growth. This variety blooms on new wood. Just look for green sprouts starting to show most likely in February or March depending on your climate. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti