Marianne's Response

Planting trees along a fence


I am doing a yard on Lake Tapps and need to plant some trees along a fence line to help to distract from and provide privacy from the neighbors two story next door. The trees will be within 15′ (closet and to the side of the trees) of my drain field lines. I was thinking some evergreen and some deciduous. Maybe along the fence some …Weeping Alaskan Cedar – nootkatensis van den akker or Chamaecyparis nootkatensis “Green Arrow”- with either Dogwood or Crepe Myrtle (Natchez) in front of them.

How are the roots for the drain field. I have read you don’t want invasive trees near drain field lines. Are these root systems invasive?

Thanks for your reply!

Posted by mcgyver1 on February 11, 2016

Marianne's Response

The cedars will seek out water with their roots more than the compact root system of the Dogwood or Crepe Myrtle - and the Camaecyparis do need some protection from strong wind to look their best. That said, being 15 feet from the drain lines sounds safe unless the trees grow ten feet wide - it is mature trees that can send out little roots that extend more than 15 feet. The trees to really avoid with the most invasive roots are the birch, popular and other fast growing trees. Good luck, Marianne Binetti