Marianne's Response

Saving and storing seeds

Best way to save seeds for next year?

Posted by Shirley Davis on June 20, 2016

Marianne's Response

Saving seeds can be a bit specific for each seed type but in general harvest the seed on a dry day and store in a dry place. Glass jars, paper envelopes, a tackle box or Tupperware are all favorite places to store seed. Some plants such as poppies do not release their seeds until they are ripe. This is when you can cover the seed head with a paper bag secured with a rubber band. Once the seed is ripe it will fall into the bag for easy harvest. You can also collect seed heads by snipping them off of the plants and storing them on a tray indoors out of the wind until they ripen and fall easily from the old flower head. When you do plant the seed next spring or summer remember not to make the most common mistake - planting the seed too deep. The smaller the seed the less soil should be used to cover it. The tinest seeds such as those from lobelia and impatients should just be pressed firmly into the soil. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti