Marianne's Response

Hi, I have one last picture to share of my “mystery plant.” I first started sharing pictures around July 11th and you thought perhaps it was a Phlomis and asked for reader’s input but I saw none (probably just missed it). This is the flower head in its final full bloom stage. The color morphed from a dusty rose color when the head was first forming to a purple. The flower head almost has a hydrangea-look to it; however, the rest of the shrub definitely does not – remember the stems and leaves are slightly fuzzy. Anxiously awaiting its identity. It is entirely possible this plant is altered in its normal growth pattern as this neighbor tends to lop off any flower heads and other growth before they have a chance to litter the ground. Perhaps this may always be a mystery, but I appreciate your sleuthfulness and willingness to stick with this “cold case.” Ha! There is a master gardener clinic one a week in town but it is on a date and time where I can’t get to it due to my work schedule.
Posted by Debbie Nighswonger on August 22, 2017