Marianne's Response

Plant Dying

Elephant plant. Leaves are splitting and curling up from the Ends. Then went limp.

Posted by Jackolyn Cunningham on August 28, 2022

Marianne's Response

The two most common reasons for leaf curl on houseplants is over watering and cold drafts. I assume you do not have cold drafts, indoors in August,  unless the plant is in front of an AC unit. The more likely cause is too much water. Feel the soil by poking a finger down to the soil. When the soil is dry then you can water but do not let the plant sit in drainage water. Some house plants need water only once every few weeks. If the weather is too warm or too cold the plant may go dormant and require even less water. The plant does not look near death and I predict a full recovery in a few weeks once the soil is allowed to dry out a bit. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti