Marianne's Response

Potted deck plant

This year I had a red Hotlips plant on my deck for color and to encourage Hummingbirds. That thing was extremely messy when it dropped flowers. Any suggestions for an alternative next year that isn’t so messy? Red is the theme of the deck

Posted by Stacey Long Collins on October 7, 2022

Marianne's Response

I do love the Hot Lips Salvia but I agree it can drop a lot of petals. There are red foliage plants such as coleus and red and white calibrochoa that will attract hummingbirds but not drop a many petals. You will need to let the coleus bloom feed the hummers. There is also the flowering maples or Arbutilons that have large hibiscus like blooms and can handle the full sun location. I love how you added some white to contrast with the red blooms in your patio pot. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti