Marianne's Response


I live in zone 10 – and have 3 weeping benj ficus trees,in large containers,on my patio. Exposure is full sun (under a dark screen enclosure that cuts the exposure down a bit. They’re about 8 years old – dropped their leaves and deep green color, within the first few years (when they were in a partial/shade location, and now are very leaf sparse and not very green. They are rarely fertilized. How/Can these trees been revitalized or is it a lost cause? Thanks for any help.

Posted by on May 26, 2007

Marianne's Response

It sounds like the poor things are starving for food! Plants in pots can't find their own nutrients so they need fertilizer even more than plants in the ground. Get some slow release plant food such as Osmocote into the soil now and water well. Add a one inch layer of mulch such as bark chips or compost to the top of the soil and this will help to keep the roots cool and conserve moisture. You'll see new growth and happier plants in just a few weeks time.