Marianne's Response

Succulents over the winter

Outside I have several hanging baskets and pots brimming with succulents I got earlier in the year. They have thrived pretty well in this long hot summer. Question is do I need to bring these in at some point for the winter or can they survive the Puget Sound winter weather outside? Thanks!

Posted by Don West on September 11, 2022

Marianne's Response

It all depends. Some succulents such as the Hen's and Chicks are winter hardy. Others such as Aeoniums are tender and will die in the first frost. If you want to save them all move the baskets and pots into a cold but frost free spot and do not water. You want them to go dormant. Indoors would work if you have a very bright sunroom. Again water only enough to keep them from shriveling. In spring you may need to cut them back as they stretch for light over the winter. You can root the cuttings from pruning. You can also just move the pots out of the rain and hope for the best. It is wet soil and cold weather that kills succulents. Good luck and Keep growing, Marianne Binetti