Marianne's Response


Hi, Marianne
I have some fuschias that I decided to winter over. I left them in their pots and cut them back radically. I put them in the garage and sprinkle a little water on them every month or so. Today I heard a lady saying that hers were sprouting. Mine aren’t. Shall I give it up?

Posted by on February 19, 2011

Marianne's Response

No don't give up! Gardening is not a competitive sport and the warmth of your area and the light will determine when your overwintered fuchsias might sprout. Be as cool as the weather and just pretend you don't care when they sprout. Then you'll see new growth in a month or so. At this point you should add more water and move the plants to a warmer area with more sunlight - like a sun porch. Begin to fertilize in mid April and you'll have fuchsias this summer. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti