Marianne's Response

Sungron’s Question

Hi, Marianne-
We have two lilacs, not close to each other and both in shady locations, on which most of the leaves have a tan spot or two. Some of the newer leaves are crinkly at the tip. There isn’t any indication of insects or insect damage. Is this a disease we can spray for or just the result of hot weather and too little water?

Posted by on July 5, 2013

Marianne's Response

Sounds like lilac leaf blight - my own lilac is also suffering. Just clean up any fallen leaves and try not to get the foliage wet. In the Fall rake up the leaves and in the spring put a fresh mulch under the lilac to seal in any disease spores. Some years it is just worse than others for blights and fungus among us. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti