Marianne's Response

Sungron’s Question

We have a fuschia that we have overwintered inside for the last two years. It’s out in a hanging basket and is about two feet tall and seems to be doing well. Dare we transplant it next spring to grow in the flower garden or is Olympia area winter weather too harsh for it to survive from year to year?

Posted by on August 5, 2013

Marianne's Response

If your fuchsia is the tender type that is used in hanging baskets and it has large flowers, bigger than the size of a quarter, then I would say it will not survive the winter outdoors without protection. There are hardy fuchsias with small blooms that look like dangling earrings and these are the cold resistant varieties. Of course you could always gamble - plant the fuchsia outdoors into the ground in September but cover it with a large pot turned upside down or a cage of leaves to insulate it from freezing temps. You may be surprised with fresh new growth in the spring. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti