Marianne's Response

Sungron’s Question

I plan to overwinter a fuschia. Shall I wait until all the leaves have fallen to cut it back? How far should I cut it back? It has several side branches.

Posted by on November 5, 2012

Marianne's Response

Do not wait until the leaves fall - just cut back the fuchsia now until the stems are less than one foot long. Place entire plant in a cool but not freezing location - they do not need any light but a bit of light from a far window is okay. Do not water or fertilize. Once a month check the soil. If it is dry down one inch deep, give the plant about one cup of water. In spring when you see new sprouts of growth on the stems you can bring the plant into the sunlight but still protect from frost. Fertilize just a wee bit - half the recommended rate. In may feed more, water more and enjoy your fuchsia plant all summer. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti