Marianne's Response


I removed four rose bushes that were extremely susceptible to black spot. I want to plant four new rose bushes that are supposed to be black spot resistant. Is it safe to plant them in the same places where the others were removed, or is there going to be black spot in the soil? If it is in the soil, what can I do to clean it?

Thanks for your answer.

Posted by on October 7, 2008

Marianne's Response

Congratulations on removing your spotty roses. Plants are not children and you do not need to put up with bad behaviour or love them unconditionally. Yes, you can plant the new disease resistant roses (I like Flower Carpet roses, Knock Out roses and hardy species roses) in the same spot where the problem roses were growing but turn the soil first and then mulch with wood chips or compost to keep any spores in the soil from splashing up onto the new roses when it rains. All roses like good air circulation. lots of fertilizer and water and full sun. Just grow for it, Marianne