Marianne's Response

Transplanted sweet potato

I recently planted sweet potato slips that I purchased. They are kept inside at night so they don’t get cold. Soil is a blend of potting mix and sand and bone meal. After only a day or 2, leaves are turning brown with a semi circular pattern. Anything I can do to bring them to good health?

Posted by Nicholas Tamberino on May 4, 2022

Marianne's Response

The leaf damage looks like sunburn or wind burn. Even though you bring the plants indoors at night they are not used to direct sun and wind. Do not add more water as this could also be caused by poor drainage.  I suggest you keep plants under cover during the day but outdoors and then indoors at night until temps are above 50 degrees. Sweet potatoes hate cold weather. I am going to bet these slips make a recovery as soon as the weather warms. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti