Marianne's Response

Transplanting Snowdrops

I know in the past you have mentioned digging up a clump of snowdrops, in bloom and planting them in a pot to enjoy indoors.

My question is, can you dig up and move snowdrops around in your garden, while in bloom? I live in the Seattle area of Western Washington.

Posted by TomandLinda on March 6, 2023

Marianne's Response

Yes! Snowdrops or Galanthus are one of the few spring blooming bulbs that can be moved while green or in flower. You can also wait until right after they flower and then dig up clumps while the leaves are still green and separate the bulbs. Replant the bulbs around the garden especially to areas that are partly shaded with moist soil. The newly moved bulbs will flower next year and if you continue to do this your garden will be flowering in early spring with a snowdrop meadow after several years. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti