Marianne's Response
Used Fish Fertilizer and now this happened
I mixed a liquid fish fertilizer 2 tblsp to 1 gallon of water and used on burpee tomatoe plants, roses, coleus, fuschia, impatiens….the roses and tomatoe are in the ground the others in pots. I’d used Sevin 5 powder on roses and tomatoes about 2 weeks prior, and had been using miracle grow fertilizer mixed in water to correct proportions for growing season in NJ on a regular basis. After applying the fish mixture to base of plants, within 2 days they were drooping, it had rained for hours the day after application. I figured it was a shock to plants and that given a few days, they would perk up. I’m noticing there is still drooping After 2 weeks and I can’t figure it out. I’m attaching photos for your review. Can you help?
Posted by Virginia Alfaro on June 26, 2020