Marianne's Response

What to grow outdoors under a night light

I have a 3’ x 4’ planter box in the middle of which is a short lamp standard that is on all night. What can I plant there that won’t mind the 24 hour “daylight”?

Posted by Pauline Schultz on August 17, 2020

Marianne's Response

Don't worry, most plants will adjust to the constant light but evergreens will do better than flowering plants. Looks like it is in the shade (I see a happy hydrangea in the corner of the photo you sent) so I suggest the dwarf Pieris japonica and the variegated euonymus fortunia winter creeper both evergreen with white bits on the foliage. Add some golden tulips and dwarf daffodils for spring color. It will be lovely. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti