Marianne's Response

When is shading needed

I am on the Kitsap peninsula between Gig Harbor and Port Orchard. I have noticed the leaves of several veggie plants, particularly my squashes, getting very droopy in the intense hot sun here lately. So far they always recover in the evening. Should I shade them during the intense sun times?

Posted by Michael Hedt on July 29, 2021

Marianne's Response

I do think some afternoon shade would help on hot days but the wilting of your vegetables in the afternoon is more likely due to some type of root damage from a mole or vole or the obvious cause is dry soil. If you water well and use a mulch on top of the soil to keep it cool then poke around the rootzone for runways or a nearby entry hole. Most sun loving vegetables will recover and still produce once new roots are grown and the weather cools. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti