Marianne's Response
Why are my eggplant leaves curling?
My white eggplant leaves suddenly started to curled completely up inward into a circle unto themselves. I am hoping the photo is helpful!. There is no yellow or brown discoloration. There are some indications of incests as there are a few holes in the bottom leaves. I saw a very tiny black incest on a leaf at the bottom of one plant. Would this indicate over or underwatering, please, or something else? The plants are approximately 14” tall and just setting buds. Only the top few layers of leaves are curling. The bottom couple of layers are flat still.
Thank you so much in advance for any quick response anyone can give so I can save my three white eggplant plants.
It is is of any assistance, I also have 4 Cherokee Purple, and 1 Lemon boy tomato plants which are exhibiting the same symptoms. Also a variety of Bellpepper plants with slight symptoms. They are all in raised beds in the same garden.
Thanks again!
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Posted by Susan Moniotte on May 29, 2022