Marianne's Response

Why did my indoor fig tree stop growing?

indoor fig tree

My indoor ficus Carica (fig tree) started to produce a few figs, but they stopped growing. I know the tree needs more sun. It’s on a south window but there isn’t enough direct sun. What type of artificial light bulb do you recommend?

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Posted by Cyd Rosen-Herrmann on June 19, 2022

Marianne's Response

The best indoor lighting for plants is fluorescent tubes usually two 40 watts either one daylight and one cool white or use 2 Gro-Lux tubes. A reflector will help point light downwards. Try to get the light closer than 12 inches to the plant. You might also try replacing a desk light bulb with a Gro-Lux or Grow Light bulb and aiming it at the fig. To be honest, figs love sunshine and summer heat. It would be pretty impressive if you manage to get your indoor fig to yield edible fruit. Gardening is an adventure so enjoy the challenge. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti