Marianne's Response

Why won’t my Browallia bloom?

When I purchased my browallia endless illumination it was full of blooms which dropped shortly after purchase. No more blooms after 6 weeks. What can I do?

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Posted by Trina Hunt on June 23, 2022

Marianne's Response

The Browallia is from South America and needs warmth, shade and regular water to bloom. I suspect it just went into a pout when it had to move from the nursery. It loves to grow in a greenhouse. It usually flowers in winter in warm spots. I suggest you fertilize with Osmocote now, make sure it is near the warmth of your house if you live in a cool summer area and keep it out  of direct sun. Water to keep soil moist but not wet. You will want to move it indoors this winter if it is outside and keep it near a bright window out of drafts. The shorter days and longer nights in November should encourage new blooms to form if it doesn't flower this summer. Challenging plants can be worth the hassle so be patient and celebrate the lovely flowers when they return. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti