Marianne's Response

Wintering Dahlias

Hi Marianne,

My little grandson gave me a dahlia in a pot in June this year. (When he came to visit one day, he wondered where the pretty red flowers had gone. a fallen look on his face. I told him I’d had to cut them off and why, and that many more would bloom. It is a beautiful plant!)

I digress. I have no idea whether it is from a bulb or cutting. It needs to be transplanted, but I wonder if it will survive if it’s not from a bulb.

The dahlia is currently still blooming.

Thank you.
Suzette Bogrand

Posted by Suzbo on October 24, 2022

Marianne's Response

How lovely and what a prince your grandson must be. I am not sure if your dahlia is a tuberous variety and can be overwintered or if it is one of the annual dahlias. The answer is to move the pot to a dry location where it will not freeze. This way if there is a tuber you can keep it dormant during the winter. You can cut back the top growth once the leaves begin to yellow. In spring dig into the pot and see if you find the tuber. Could be a treasure hunt your grandson would enjoy. If a tuber is found you can replant it indoors (month of March) to sprout in early spring. Then when all danger of frost  is past (May in most areas)  move the sprouted tuber outdoors where you can enjoy it all summer. If you do not find a tuber then it was the annual dahlia but you will have an excuse to replace it with a new plant. Taking kids to a nursery in the spring can be a great adventure. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti