Marianne's Response

Growing healthy cucumbers

Cucumber plants are all leaves and no fruit. What can I do to correct?

Posted by YVONNE STRICKLAND on July 19, 2016

Marianne's Response

Cucumbers need a good loamy soil that is fertile and if the plants get too much nitrogen (like from a soil rich in horse manure) they may grow big leaves but less fruit. They also need warm weather above 70 degrees. Fertilize now with a complete liquid plant food such as Miracle Grow. Plant foods that are mixed with water and then used on plants are called water soluble and they are the quickest acting as the nutrition can be absorbed right into the leaf itself. Once the flowers form don't let the plants dry out but don't overwater either or the blossoms could fall off before they are fertilized and make cukes. After you fertilize the plants try to avoid getting the leaves wet as this can spread disease. Keep growing, Marianne Binetti