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Enjoying Nature
by Carlos Gomez
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Enjoying Nature

Carlos Gomez

I started gardening as a hobby and it grew as the years went by. Love working outside and also enjoy home grown vegetables and flowers. I also enjoy seeing the different critters and insects etc. enjoying the plants. The photo here is a hummingbird moth feeding on a petunia. It is also called a hawk moth. Interesting to learn all about plants and watch them grow. This is one hobby I hope to be able to continue enjoying for a long time and pass on my children and grandchildren.
I started gardening as a hobby and it grew as the years went by. Love working outside and also enjoy home grown vegetables and flowers. I also enjoy seeing the different critters and insects etc. enjoying the plants. The photo here is a hummingbird moth feeding on a petunia. It is also called a hawk moth. Interesting to learn all about plants and watch them grow. This is one hobby I hope to be able to continue enjoying for a long time and pass on my children and grandchildren.