Pest Patrol

Tips to Keep Lemon Verbena Over the Winter

I’m not always the most organized person in the fall, but this year I managed to dig up the lemon verbena plant that grew beautifully this summer. But as lemon verbena often do, it dropped its leaves in protest. I was ready to chuck it, but my husband saw a few tiny sprouts on the ...

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Pests and Diseases of Goji Berries

Last year, a friend gave me a goji berry bush (Lycium barbarum). I initially planted it where I removed a Nanking cherry, which didn't quite work, so this spring I transplanted it in another area, and now it is producing berries for the first time. The great thing about goji berries is they are a ...

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Why is My Spinach Turning Brown and White?

With ample rain this is a banner year for spring crops. My broccoli is beautiful, the lettuce is lovely, and my spinach… is turning brown and white on the edges. What is happening? My goal is to discover why my spinach leaves are changing color and drying. Is It a Nutrition Issue? The first thing ...

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Taking a Look at Tomato Pests

It's the first day of spring, but not too early to think about summer tomatoes. This is why I thought it was a good opportunity to discuss common tomato pests, and how to handle them. How to Graft Heirloom Tomatoes Aphids On Young Plants Aphids are the equivalent to the guy on the History Channel ...

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How to Deal with Pests on Hydroponic Gardens

This year I’m growing my first winter hydroponic garden and absolutely love it. Rise Gardens sent me a personal garden to see what I thought about it, and it’s a treat to go to the back hallway to snip greens for a salad, or better yet, to enjoy fresh basil. But even though they’re easy ...

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Treating Fruit Trees in the Spring

As winter winds down, it’s time to start treating fruit trees in the spring to prepare them for a bountiful harvest this year. Here are a few late winter or early spring tasks to keep your trees healthy and productive. Grab the Clippers The first task in treating fruit trees begins in February to early ...

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