Pest Patrol

How to Deal with Pests on Hydroponic Gardens

This year I’m growing my first winter hydroponic garden and absolutely love it. Rise Gardens sent me a personal garden to see what I thought about it, and it’s a treat to go to the back hallway to snip greens for a salad, or better yet, to enjoy fresh basil. But even though they’re easy ...

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Prevent Fungus Gnats – Three Easy Methods

September is a little tough on my plants. The seasonal transition means houseplants with prime locations get pushed aside to make room for plants that need to come back inside. Suddenly each plant has to compete for space and light. I also tend to over water my plants this time of year. It’s easy to ...

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Common Houseplant Pests

Whether you grow just a single orchid, have loads of spider plants or even a houseful of African violets, you know that you may end up with unwanted pests/insects.  A few bugs aren't something to worry much about, but if ignored they can infest your potted beauties and wreck havoc, or even kill your plants. With ...

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Watch for pests on new transplants

Even for those of us who start our own plants, it’s impossible to leave a greenhouse without bringing home something new. Unfortunately, sometimes pests catch a ride on the new transplants and come home with you. This is why it’s important to look closely at your new plants and know how to handle any unwanted ...

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