Wildlife Gardening Journal

Grasshoppers and how to control them

In July and August, I swear it feels like I'm battling the four horsemen of the apocalypse in my garden. First, the rain turned off leading to a flash drought. Then the beastly hot temperatures arrived. Now a plague of grasshoppers is eating their way through my plants. Or rather, I have a lot of ...

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Some Pests Like It Hot!

Some pests like it hot! This is especially true of the insect world so I thought it might be a good time to talk about pests that thrive in summer heat.  How a Heatwave Affects Garden Pests After a cool, wet, spring and early summer, we really thought we were going get off easy this ...

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Handling the Dark Spotted Blister Beetle

Sometimes I’d rather not meet cousins, particularly when it comes to garden pests. This morning while turning on the water on my kale and keyhole garden, I noticed gray beetles over my kale and the floating row cover. They looked familiar, but the spots threw me. After a bit of research through Montana State University ...

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What to Buy Now to Battle Pests Later

When we’re planning the garden, it’s important to think about frequent pests and how we’re going to deal with them. With continuing supply chain issues it's better to gather what we need now than to wait until we have a problem. So while there is snow still on the ground or it's not conducive to ...

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Addressing Problems and Making Plans for the New Year

Winter finally arrived this week. Today we woke up to a brisk five degrees, a stark difference to last Monday’s record high of 67 degrees with high winds. Grassland fires burned structures and acreage throughout Northcentral Montana, which is unheard of in December. I’m so over it. After a year of drought and fire, this ...

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The grasshoppers won the summer, but I’m ready for fall

I think I have to wave the white flag this year. The grasshoppers won. Despite applying Nosema locustae at the beginning of the season, I couldn't find more product to keep up with the hatches. It looks like a scene from "Little House on the Prairie" out there right now.  It's just a matter of ...

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