Everything Roses

In Search of ‘White Wings!’

I spend a great deal of time in my rose gardens. From early spring on, there is always something to do! Once the pruning, weeding, edging, and planting is done, the roses are blooming and then there is deadheading to do for the rest of the summer! Once in a while, it is time to ...

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Some Rose Garden Friends and Foes

What a gardening season so far! After a cold, virtually snowless winter, March arrived and the weather remained colder than normal. April was chilly and good for planting and pruning, and after a cool beginning of May, warm weather set in and I was thrilled when the roses began to bloom mid-month. Thus began the ...

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Sharing the Joy of Roses with Students

My friend, Laura LaFlamme, is the Director of the Suffield High School Agriscience Program. I was introduced to her at the 2018 Connecticut Flower and Garden Show by a mutual friend. I was feeling pretty frustrated. The person CT Rose Society paid for 'forcing' our roses for display at the show really left us high ...

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Sweet ‘Colette:’ My Favorite Climbing Rose

As a master rosarian who has been growing roses for decades, folks are always asking me what my favorite rose is. It is hard to have a favorite rose as all of them have their delightful traits and habits. It is sort of like picking a favorite child or grandchild…how do you choose, and should ...

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New Kordes Roses For Your Garden’s Future

A few years ago, we were introduced to a new name in rose producers here in the United States. Although their roses had been sold here before there were not that many of them in commerce. Kordes is a German company that has been producing excellent garden and florist roses for many years and now ...

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Rejuvenescent Pruning in the Rose Garden

  The last few weeks have been incredibly busy! Connecticut Rose Society just hosted the ARS Yankee District Convention during the first weekend in April. I love these and I always open our home to traveling rose friends who present programs for us. Bob and I were thrilled to welcome Baldo Villegas and Mark and ...

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