Everything Roses

Dragonflies in the Roses this Summer

This summer has been a huge adventure for me.  My roses are thriving here at our new home, and I have cared for them daily all summer.  We had almost 10" of rain throughout August, so yesterday was the first time I watered all month long.  I have been careful with my spray program, but ...

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Remontant Damsels

I think every rose gardener should reserve some room in the garden to grow some remontant Old Garden Roses. I have some in my garden that I fell in love with at rose shows over the years. Now, I just asked for the stem from the exhibitor at the end of the day…that’s how I ...

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Beautiful Roses In Virgin Soil

I think this is the busiest summer I have ever had in my forty years in the rose garden! After having dealt with a double-whammy move: all our earthly goods AND our roses, spring was very late to arrive. I think it showed up around the middle of May to stay. After a couple of ...

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Traveling Roses: The Rose Family Moves to Suffield

A new home for us means a new home for my roses. In the last six weeks, we have packed and moved to a new town:  Suffield, Connecticut.  It is a little over ten miles north of our former location in Windsor.  The private school that purchased our other home gave us an offer we ...

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Unpredictable Weather this Growing Season

This has certainly been a winter full of interesting weather! After a fairly balmy fall, the last two weeks of December hit us with temperatures that dropped like a boulder.  The air fell ‘way below zero for two weeks.  My roses weren’t prepared for that and most of the canes have since turned black in ...

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Solar Array Construction and its Impact on Nature

Seven months ago, I had a visit from a friend. He works for the big private school out behind us as part of their gardens and grounds crew.  This school owns a lot of property, including the land and homes to our south and the forest at the bottom of our hill on the east ...

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