Everything Roses

Late Fall Rose Pruning and December Sunrises

I love late fall sunrises. The sun is so low in the sky that it burns through my Rose Window in the dining room, setting the area ablaze with color.  This autumn season has been much warmer than normal.  There is no frost in the ground yet and we are still seeing 50 degree days ...

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Rose Reflections at the End of the Growing Season

It is just amazing to me that we have slipped over the hump and reached the end of the growing season. All summer long, unless I cut a few for friends or the house, I leave my rose blooms on the plants because the gardens are just beautiful.  Now, the plants are tired after performing ...

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September Roses

Now that we are into the season of Autumn, our duties in the rose garden ease up a little. My roses always grow huge this time of year!  They are reaching for the sun.  Fall is also when I cut some roses for the house.  During the spring and summer, I prefer to enjoy them ...

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Summer Rose Smiles

This is an absolutely amazing summer in my rose garden. Our highest temperature so far has been 96 degrees which is pretty temperate here in Windsor, Ct.  We live in the Connecticut River Valley and our mid-summer temps are usually in the upper 90’s for weeks at a time.  Here we are in August and ...

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